
In collaboration with stakeholders and experts from around the world, I lead a product team in the design of a problem-resolution platform that standardizes the way field engineers around the globe capture field cases.

To complement the mobile field product, a web app experience was designed for experts to collaborate, triage solutions, and extract statistics.


Oil & Gas, Enterprise, Web & Mobile Apps


Product Design, User Testing

TechConnect was created as a turbo machinery problem resolution tool. Through its mobile extension, field reps can create and upload turbo machinery problem cases, adding to a common repository of field cases. The web app connects field reps, technical support managers, and subject matter experts so that, together, they can track, assess, contribute, and ultimately build a common knowledge bank. 

Feature to Function Balance

In order to balance the function of the application with real-world scenarios, each UX consideration had to be examined from the point of view of field personnel.


This application had to be designed to foster effective communication between different user groups and to encourage proactive issue management.

User Groups

This application needed to serve a multitude of user audiences.

Internet Connectivity

On-site information gathering needed to support a lack of internet connectivity. 

Rapid Prototyping

I chose a fail-fast approach to validating business requirements, presenting the team with visual prototypes within hours of our workshops.

This rapid prototyping approach allowed me to validate hypothesis, architecture, and business requirements before advancing to mid-fidelity.

One application, two dedicated interfaces.

Both a mobile app and a web app were designed to support the two differing user groups and their needs. Field personnel are most concerned with the creation of field cases while support engineers additional functionality.


A series of phases and corresponding labels were established to show the status of a case from creation to resolution. This allows for increased visibility of support staff performance and overall conditions in the field.